Who is Jane ?

For anyone who does not know this beautiful baby ,you could check it on the blog : www.babyjanelidra.blogspot.com

 A bit of Jane ; The baby was born on 19 January 2012 , first daughter of Dany and Devi, a young couple in Bandung.

The baby suffered a complicated congenital heart defect and require several stages of heart surgery. She is now 4 months old and still hospitalized in Harapan Kita Hospital in Jakarta. She has got through 2 heart surgery and plan to have another heart surgery. She is in prostine medication for 3,5 months.
Heart surgeons from Japan did both surgery as a help for Jane.

Most of the time she stays in ICU, suffers stormy post-surgery ; low thrombhocyte, desaturated (low oxygen level ) , got multiple bacteria infection, fever, failure to thrive,etc.
You may check on the blog, it sounds like a roller coaster journey.

I ve been through such kind of journey as my second son also born with congenital defect. (Love you, Sam !) It's so tiring , full of tears journey. The ups and downs between hope and frustration, fails and succeeds. I believe many of you who might get through the struggling with diseases themselves know the pains.

The struggling is not just a line of words or a paragraph , but it seems like an endless words written minutes by minutes we endure the pains .
Besides it, we do know that anybody facing this also struggle financially.

Here, without the insurance, medical treatments  is draining the family's finance.
We noticed from the family that they have spent 1 billion rupiah ( more than USD 100,000 ) for the surgery and hospital cost.

Dany and Devi have tried their best to support their daughter. They surrender Jane's life to God and to His willing but medically Jane is still need hospitalisation. And it cost them A Lot.

We still do not know how long Jane need the treatment. We do hope Jane can endure another 2 heart surgeries and recovered. As parents, Dany and Devi  have done their best ,but as a young couple of  middle level (financially) , the keep coming hospital bills is frustrating.

When we were facing this same problem years back, many people helps us. Family and friends even strangers who just knew us. Also simple people who we lest expected. I remember the time when the hospital keep calling me while we have spent the money we had. Then a priest came and hand over an envelope filled with donation. That is the first donation we received from someone we did not know. It was from a group of simple factory workers , cleaning service staffs who were touched by our son's suffering. The money is not just money. It means the sweat and hardwork, the tears of very simple yet loving people. I remember I was so surprised, ashamed and just could not stand to cry.
Feel so honored and thankful.

Who are we deserve such a great love ? Not to mention the helps from family and friends who sacrifice their savings for our son.  ( it is a sacrifice ! ). We could not mention it one by one. All of prayers and helps support us to survive in the darkest time of our lives.We fully understand that the helps we receive are coming out from those who give us out of their limited savings, out of their needs as well.We do not deserve it. Only by grace we received it.

Now, we understand how Dany and Devi feels right now. It is time for us to also do something to help those in needs, especially who is facing the same enemies as we did.

This time is for Jane...

Friends, I am so sorry to trouble you, again. Would you help this baby Jane by donating some to above account ? This is not a spam. We know the couple personally and visited the baby in the hospital , Jakarta.The donation will go directly to their savings account.
We are just forwarding this information for those who may have heard about Jane and would like to help but do not know how. Please pray for Jane and please help a bit.
Don't worry, any amount will do ease their suffers. We may not giving out from our abundance, but giving to someone else while we are also in needs means a lot... lots of love.

Account Name : Dany Lidra / Devi
Account No. 7840141688
Bank : Bank Central Asia ( BCA )
CABANG Astana Anyar - Bandung

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